This is the best time to get your hair growth routine in full swing, and with this great tasting smoothie it’ll make it easier then ever to get and stay on your journey. This Hair Rescue Almond and Kale Smoothie recipe is not just great tasting, but it does wonders to nourish and repair your hair from the inside-out. You can definitely eat your way to longer thicker hair by incorporating recipes like this one on a daily basis. You can find this recipe along with other easy great tasting recipes and lots of needed hair advice that will aid in your hair growth in this book called – Eat Your Way To Longer Thicker Hair. You’ll feel as if this recipe book was created just for you!

1-1 1/2 cup almond milk (plain or vanilla)
1 banana (the riper the sweeter the smoothie)
1 tablespoon natural almond butter
3 ice cubes
4-5 kale leaves
blueberries (optional)

Add all ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth.

Add to some glasses and enjoy.
Benefits to Your Hair:
- Bananas are a great source of potassium. Potassium helps in the cell renewal process and this is why it is extremely beneficial to regrow hair as well. Potassium helps in stimulating dormant hair follicles by improving the cell renewal process in your scalp, thereby promoting faster and healthier hair growth. This delicious and healthy fruit should be added to your daily diet. Bananas also have natural oils that maintain the natural elasticity of the hair and prevent hair breakage, which is great when used topically to make a banana hair pack for hair growth. Bananas makes this smoothie rich, thick, and creamy, and it naturally sweetens it perfectly.
- Kale aids in cellular turnover. Strengthens strands. Hydrates the scalp and strands. Eliminates toxins from scalp and strands. Soothes irritation. Boosts hair growth.
- Almond Butter – Several studies have proved that almond butter is the best cure for almost all hair problems. It contains healthy elements such as magnesium, iron, vitamin E, biotin, potassium, zinc, magnesium, omega 3 and 6, fatty acids and is loaded with protein which helps stimulate hair growth.
- Almond Milk – Magnesium is a key element that helps in making your hair stronger while boosting the hair growth process, which is also present in almond milk. If your body lacks magnesium, it will often result in hair loss and reduce the quality of your hair.
- Blueberries aid hair growth by improving oxygenation and circulation of blood in the body, particularly the scalp. It’s also been proven as a food that helps to slow down the process of hair aging.

Now after reading all the wonderful benefits of this smoothie you can see why this smoothie is perfect for growing your hair as long as possible, not to mention absolutely delicious. Give your hair what it needs and it’ll give you what you want.
This is a great way to start or end your day. Make sure to share with your family and friends so they can benefit from all the goodness as well. Happy Hair Growing and enjoy!
As in the Good Book - All roots and herbs that God created are good according to Gen. 1:31, "And God saw everything that He made, and behold, it was very good".