It’s so very easy, yet still very hard to accomplish. Eating your way to longer more beautiful hair is just that simple. We all want the benefits without putting in the work to receive the reward, which is growing that long luscious hair of our dreams. We all have to eat anyway, so might as well make it worth it! Eat the right things and reap the benefits of long more beautiful hair. What makes it hard for a lot of us is knowing the right things to eat.
This “Homemade Hair Growth Bread” recipe is just one of many hair healthy recipes that will help you in your hair growth journey. Delicious bread for the whole family, if you desire to grow your hair or not. Feed your hair what it needs and it’ll give you what you want.

I give you fun and easy great recipes that don’t take long to prepare. I give you wonderful delicious recipes, but all these recipes contain the core ingredients that stem from the fundamentals to our hair growth. By apply them to your everyday routine you’ll have your own personal positive hair story to share before you now it.
This recipe and many more plus additional information to grow your hair longer and stronger then ever before. Eat Your Way To Longer Thicker Hair-

Ingredients –
2 cups All-purpose Unbleached flour
3 Tbsps. honey or sugar
2 Tbsps. fast raising yeast
3 Tbsps. Olive oil (or oil of choice)
1 Tbsp. salt 3⁄4 cup Water

In large bowls mix together – flour, yeast, sugar, oil. Slowly pour in water and knead the dough until smooth. If too sticky add sprinkle flour so it doesn’t stick to your hands. Form to a round ball, grease bowl and place in, cover and let raise for 1 hour. After dough has risen, knead again for about 10-15 minutes. Preheat over at 350 degrees.

Grease bread pan and place dough in pan, cover and let sit another 30 minutes.
Then just place in oven and bake for about 20-25 minutes.
Let cool a little and enjoy.

All in all- Put good things in and you’ll get good things out. This meaning, the more you incorporate the vital necessities needed to improve the health of your hair, the more your’ll notice the benefits in not just your hair but in you overall body and it’s functions.
As in the Good Book - "And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not".