This is such a great premise when it came out not too long ago, embracing your natural hair curl pattern. The DevaCurl and their salons started to pop-up every where and more and more girls were posting photos and videos of their experience trying this new hair technique of rocking their natural curls. The more I seen the photos of all the beautiful curly haired girls, the more it sparked my interest. Being a newly natural, and had my “Big chop” over three years prior, DevaCurl really looked and sounded so intriguing. At first I had no idea if or when I might try the DevaCurl technique at one of the DevaChan salons near me. I have to admit it I was loving watching all the before and after photos of women get a DevaCut and seeing how their curls just popped and perfectly formed a great shape around their face. But I soon started to realize that I could barely find any photos of women with my 4c hair texture giving or showing wonderful testimonies of their DevaCut experience.
I tried just about everything when it came to my hair which is the main reason for my “Big chop”. I just felt like if I did what other girls were doing to their my hair would turn out the same. I was wrong too many times, so now I divided not to be so hasty and jump into new fades when it came to my hair. The only reason the DevaCurl struck my attention was the fact that their technique was more natural and it was very similar to what I was already doing at home. The only difference was the DevaCurl used the wash-and-go technique to get the curls to pop, and no matter what I tried at home I couldn’t get this technique to work for me and my hair type. I would either have to do a braid-out style or use roller to get that look on my hair. And for as long as I could remember I would see girls do this with their hair and I really wanted to do it on mine. When my hair was relaxed this technique just wasn’t possible because the relax broke-down the curl pattern forcing the hair straight all the time. But now that cut all the relaxed hair off I really seen this as a “Hair dream come true”.
The search to find a photo or video with anyone with even a hair type close to as kinky curly mine grew more and more intense with each passing day because I told myself this would be my deciding factor as to if I should get a DevaCut. I finally found two videos with both girls having hair that appeared to looked just like mine. I was so hard to find these two videos but they both had the same experience more or less. Their hair looked like a complete mess when they were done. You can see the sheer disappointment on their faces walking out of the salon and having to pay so much money to look worse then when they came in the salon. This should have been my indication not to even try this on my hair but for some reason I thought if I could just find the right stylist at on of these Devachan salons then I would have a better experience and finally have what I’ve dreamed of for so very long.
I was so happy that I ale to make my appointment and let the receptionist know that I would much appreciate a stylist that knew how to do kinky curly hair texture, I was relieved when it was an Afro-american stylist I was able to get. The day of my appointment I made sure to wash and comb-out my hair so it wouldn’t be too difficult for the stylist, even though that didn’t matter at all because my hair when in this wet state just liked to continuous curl-up over itself. Making it hard to comb if their is no products in it, as they recommend before coming to the salon. When I got there the atmosphere was vey nice and the stylist was equally nice, but she warned me right from the jump that with my curl type I probably wouldn’t like the results. But she explained that as time goes on and with continuous applications of this method I would like it in the long run. She said I would have to just be very patience with the process. I wish I knew this before because I don’t know if I would have went through all of this trouble of getting all excited thinking that this method was for every curl type. This information wasn’t posted anywhere online or mentioned in anyone’s video. Most importantly, there is NO DISCLAIMER ON ANY OF THEIR PRODUCTS THAT IT”S NOT FOR ALL HAIR TYPES. I decided to proceed anyway because I was already there prepped and ready. She explained and showed me all the products she was using on my hair. when it came time for her to comb trough my hair with the product in it, I could feel that she was having difficulty. She had to call her assistant to come and help comb my hair. It was clear these products didn’t work well in my hair, but I watched a women that was getting her hair washed next to me with a much looser curl type and the comb just glided through her hair with the products in it.
At this point I felt like I fell for the latest scam, and when she was done with my hair and showed me the mirror that feeling was confirmed. Like that two other girls I saw online, my hair looked an absolute mess. My hair was still mostly wet but i guess she did that because if she would have let it completely dry, it would have no movement and just stuck up like a dry afro. I saw no real curl pattern at all, she said again, the more I get this done the more I would see my curls form. Meanwhile that same lady with the much looser hair patterned was finished and she had these bouncy loose curls, and I remember her telling her stylist that this was her first time as well. So what does this tell you, this DevaCurl / DevaCut is not for tight curl patterned hair. Which means if you have kinky curly, oily, nappy, 4b-c hair types this is not for you, and don’t waste your money. I wish there was a article like this out there when I was looking for information, but if this helps someone else I would feel good for saving them the time and money. The price for this DevaCut is $175 – $150 with an experienced DevaCut specialist stylist and $75 with a stylist in training. I was charged $75 maybe because they saw the disappointment on my face. Least I was given a free DevaCurl towel as I was leaving which I still use today.

So to summarize this article, if you have a really tight curl pattern changes are this DevaCurl /DevaCut is not for your hair at all! If you want the to still go ahead and try it for yourself go right a head, but know that there is a high chance that it wouldn’t work. just please don’t go to one of their stylist that is scissor happy because on top of not having a define curly style, you’ll have a really short frizzy afro. I prefer for all you women out there with hair like mine to be warned, rather walking into this situation blindly. For those of you out there who are trying to beautify their own natural hair, I know how much you cherish your hair, so this is for you. Be Warned about this DevaCut and stand clear of this fade!
Our natural hair we are born with is absolutely beautiful, nothing can compare to it’s beauty. We all have to learn to embrace our natural beauty. A great book to inspire us all with loving our natural hair is called Embracing Empress.

As in the Good Book- "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you; continue ye in my love".