Hair Super Food Sweet Potato Smoothie

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I don’t know about you? but I know I absolutely love all things hair growth.  But since you’re reading this article, then you’ll probably feeling the whole hair growth idea as well as I do.  And as I was,  this Hair Super Food Sweet Potato Smoothie will have you pleasantly surprised.   This simple but highly effective delicious drink is pack with all the nutrients and vitamins your hair needs to grow.  This smoothie, along with the proper  nutritional intake and exercise will have your hair growing longer and stronger in no time.  This recipe and many more like this one plus much more vital hair growth tips can be found in this book called Eat Your Way To Longer Thicker Hair


1 cup banana

1 small sweet potato (cooked)

2 cups almond milk (or more for desired consistency)

4 ice cubes
1 scoop protein powder (optional)

Just blend the all ingredients together in blender.

Ingredients that Benefit Hair Growth:

Sweet potatoes are a rich source or iron, copper, potassium, magnesium and beta-carotene.  Beta-carotene aids cell growth, prevent hair thinning and can even reduce dullness in hair.

Bananas are a great source of potassium. Potassium helps in the cell renewal process and this is why it is extremely beneficial to regrow hair as well. Potassium helps in stimulating dormant hair follicles by improving the cell renewal process in your scalp, thereby promoting faster and healthier hair growth. This delicious and healthy fruit should be added to your daily diet. Bananas also have natural oils that maintain the natural elasticity of the hair and prevent hair breakage, which is great when used topically to make a banana hair pack for hair growth. Bananas makes this smoothie rich, thick, and creamy, and it naturally sweetens it perfectly.  

Protein Powder–  Studies have shown that protein supplements reduced hair loss and boosted hair growth.Almond Milk – Magnesium is a key element that helps in making your hair stronger while boosting the hair growth process, which is also present in almond milk. If your body lacks magnesium, it will often result in hair loss and reduce the quality of your hair.

And if you are extremely serious about growing your hair longer and stronger then ever before, I found a great vitamin to incorporate into your hair growth routine it’s called Divine Locks Complex .

Key Take-Away :

What you eat impacts your hair – so eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential.  Nourish your hair follicles from the inside out by eating what it needs and you’ll start to add inches to your hair before you know it. 

Disclaimer: This recipe is filled with healthy fruits and vegetables that are not just beneficial to your hair, but also to the overall health of your body and it’s functions.  Keep in mind everybody is different, and each of our bodies require different things to operate at it’s own individual best at any given time.  Our bodies know what we need and where to use these different nutrients most effectively in our individual bodies.  So yes, we may want these vitamins and nutrients to go directly to benefit our hair, but it may not work like that if those vitamins and nutrients are needed somewhere else in your body at that time.  But don’t give up and have faith.  Just keep giving your body all these good things and have faith that your hair will benefit in due time.  Always consult a physician if you plan on introducing any new foods into your diet, to avoid any food related allergies.   Especially if you are currently on any form of medication.  Different fruits, vegetables and vitamins may cause your medication to react negatively and/or become not as effective.     

 Like in the Good Book- “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”     

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