Sweet Taste Fig Hair Growth Bars

3 minutes, 53 seconds Read

Get your hair to growing to new long lengths with this great anytime or any place hair growth treat.  If you are looking to grow your easily but effectively, snack like these Sweet Taste Fig Hair Growth Bars will have you reach your hair growth goals in no time.   Just think of your hair and decide to incorporate health snacks like this on into your daily routine.  Once you make that conscious decision to eat things that feed your hair from the inside, you’re bond to see the results of your dreams on the outside.  

Eating your way to long hair is as simple as that when those no underlying medical condition or side effects from medication.  The book called Eat Your Way To Longer Thicker Hair is a great guide for anyone on this quest to grow their hair longer then ever.  We all need that little extra something to push us something  to get us to where we want to be, like this recipe be that push you need to help grow your hair.

Prep: 15 minutes, Easy, Serves 12


50g whole almonds, toasted
250g dried figs, hard stalk removed, chopped             50g dried apricots, halved
50g walnuts, halved ( Can be alternated with preferred nut)
1⁄2 tbsp. brandy
1⁄2 tbsp. clear honey
Pinch ground cloves


1. Pulse the almonds in a food processor until most are finely chopped. Remove and transfer to a bowl. Whizz the figs until they form a sticky paste, then add this to the almonds with the remaining ingredients. Mix well, then shape into a sausage and allow to dry, uncovered, in the fridge or a cool, dry place for a week.

2. Wrap and tie in baking parchment if giving away, then slice and serve alongside your favorite cheeses. Will keep in a cool place for up to 2 months.

Ingredients that Benefit Hair Growth:

Almonds are full of essential Vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin e, Vitamin B1 and B6 that help in making your hair long and strong. The high amount of magnesium they contain promotes hair growth.

Dried figs contain nutrients that promote hair health, such as magnesium and Vitamins C and E, which help hair growth. The nutrients in this fruit stimulate blood circulation in the body to speed up hair growth.

Dried apricots- The  vitamin E in apricot oil supports healthy hair growth and prevents hair loss. This vitamin, in combination with fatty acids, acts as a preservative by preventing damage by free radicals.

Cloves contain high levels of antioxidants and nutrients that can add to the growth and strength of your hair.

It’s always a great idea when looking to grow your hair to it’s optimal length is to include a hair growth vitamin. A top one I found is called – Divine Locks

Key Take-Away :

What you eat impacts your hair – so eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential.  Nourish your hair follicles from the inside out by eating what it needs and you’ll start to add inches to your hair before you know it. 

Disclaimer: This recipe is filled with healthy fruits and vegetables that are not just beneficial to your hair, but also to the overall health of your body and it’s functions.  Keep in mind everybody is different, and each of our bodies require different things to operate at it’s own individual best at any given time.  Our bodies know what we need and where to use these different nutrients most effectively in our individual bodies.  So yes, we may want these vitamins and nutrients to go directly to benefit our hair, but it may not work like that if those vitamins and nutrients are needed somewhere else in your body at that time.  But don’t give up and have faith.  Just keep giving your body all these good things and have faith that your hair will benefit in due time.  Always consult a physician if you plan on introducing any new foods into your diet, to avoid any food related allergies.   Especially if you are currently on any form of medication.  Different fruits, vegetables and vitamins may cause your medication to react negatively and/or become not as effective.    

Like in the Good Book- “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”   

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