
AUJ Books LLC is a Woman Owned, Family Operated Book Publishing Company.

Our Books

Embracing Empress - Novel

Coco & CeeCee - Children's Book

Eat Your Way To Longer Thicker Hair - Recipe Book

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In our efforts to help end Adult & Childhood illiteracy we will donate books to different shelters and orphanages with the purchase of every 50 books.

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Are You Being Secretly Shadow Banned on Social Media?

Are You Being Secretly Shadow Banned on Social Media?

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, allowing us to connect, share, and express ourselves freely. But what if I told you that sometimes, you might not be as visible as you think? Enter the mysterious realm of shadow banning – a term that's been buzzing around…
Why Black Girls Were Taught To Hate Their Hair? The Answer Will Surprise You.

Why Black Girls Were Taught To Hate Their Hair? The Answer Will Surprise You.

For centuries, black girls in America have faced an uphill battle against societal norms and beauty standards that propagated the idea that their natural hair was undesirable. This bias was perpetuated through various means, leading many black girls to internalize a sense of shame and self-hatred towards their hair. As…

Exploring the Power of TikTok Ads: A Game-Changer for Digital Advertising

In the ever-evolving world of digital advertising, TikTok has emerged as a dominant platform, captivating millions of users worldwide with its short-form, engaging content. As brands strive to capture the attention of the younger demographic, TikTok ads have gained prominence for their ability to deliver impactful and targeted marketing campaigns.…

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